Thursday, June 14, 2018

Stitched Together

a bright red and a subtle blue
dancing on the pallette
without a clue

one too blue and the other too red
too many unknowns
too many dreads

a soft brush pushes one to the other
a gentle mingle
behold, a beautiful purple

the red looks around
the blue searches too
can't find just one but always the two

a new blend, a new canvas
fluid but stitched together
red and blue

One step at a time --- the experience of my first, reluctant trek

The wild beckons
Like an elusive, magical enchantress
‘Mirage’, my heart whispers
I hush the restless murmur

I stare
Eyes climbing slowly to the top
‘Daunting’, my heart debates
‘One step at a time’, I counter

I feel
A shift, experiencing the elements anew
The mysterious expanse embracing me
My unsure heart uncannily silent in the odd comfort

I see
Old colors with many new
Pretty and dark and everything in between
Splashing on the forgotten canvas

I breathe
A strange fresh air filling my senses
The scents of the earth, familiar yet new
Unexpectedly settling, a heady calm

I hear
The wind humming, a stream gurgling somewhere
Twigs crack, leaves crush, a bird chirps
My heart beats in tandem

I tread
Over grass and rock and water alike
Unintentionally liberating with every next stride
An altered power seizes, my heart sings

I am
One with no one, alive and thriving
Right here, in this moment
Feeling again, seeing again, hearing again, breathing again

One step at a time